E-commerce Design
Creative Direction UX/UI, Logo Design
Jacob Johnstonbaugh - Design, UX/UI
The aviation fueling industry historically used an antiquated, transaction process when servicing planes. Using paper tickets, fueling personnel manually logged fueling activity and only delivered boxes of paper tickets to stakeholders for inventory management and the invoicing process when boxes were full. This resulted in poor inventory controls, invoicing backlogs and long, fragmented accounts receivable cycles.
Because ticketing processes vary by country and airport, each country having their own regulation and airports having their own process of generating fuel tickets, this made it difficult to process tickets accurately and timely across various airports, suppliers and vendors.
Further complicating matters, each ticket also varied based on the handwriting and accuracy of the fueler on the ground. Legibility issues created erroneous tickets and invoicing, wreaking havoc on accounting and inventory departments resulting in profit loss and supply instability.
Because fuel tickets were generated by hand, there was no accurate way to gauge fuel levels at any given time, resulting in outages and loss of money due to loss of sale.
A major operational hurdle was that many airports are reluctant to change processes to avoid disruption of their business. Aerotix being both a startup and a first mover had no brand awareness or trust among airports worldwide.
Aerotix needed to create a branded, digital ticketing system that improved fueling ticketing efficiency, inventory controls and invoicing cycles. Although the backend database system was complex, the UX/UI design system needed to be easy to use by diverse user personas, and both easy to implement and repeat on a global scale. The brand needed to look established and trustworthy to overcome adoption hurdles.
I successfully led strategy meetings with the Aerotix executive team to gather quantitative and qualitative research, develop a product development strategy to solve key user pain points and helped drive an effective brand strategy that aligned to product and profitability goals.
Leading brand design, UX design and development teams, I developed a project timeline with milestones and articulated the company goals to ensure all actions were on strategy regardless of the medium. I managed the project to completion and iteration.
I successfully led the development of:
• An engaging, visual brand identity system
• A brochure website
• Client Portal
• Mobile app (Android and iPhone)
• Custom, branded fuel ticket, invoice and report templates in several languages
Fuelers could easily input fuel metrics, including fuel levels, into the app to generate e-mailable, PDF tickets that were archived on designated servers. The app syncs to these designated servers providing the Aerotix account representatives the ability to generate client reports for their respective invoicing workflows. All client accounts are managed via a webCMS. Each generated PDF is customized to meet country regulation and client brand standards.
The Aerotix service is a success and has now launched internationally.